When you are in crisis, close up a bovine!

Continue sharing practices that, in our opinion, they can be useful in this suspended period that sees many and many of us more static than usual. We asked for help from the mythological figure of the makara, then to that of the royal pigeon… and today there ...

Like a pigeon sitting on a branch…

Among the practices that come to our aid in this period of partial immobility, there is that of the royal pigeon, in the simplified variant, with the leg remaining elongated. Eka Pada Rājakapotāsana “It deserves to be included in the daily series..

And how does the crocodile?

Makara Kriya Among the practices that usually offer in the spring there is that (worshiped!) dei Makara kriyā, a series of repeated torsion performed in terra.Si is a practice that the Master often proposed before the Sun Greetings, as a sort of preparation,...

The small sun salutation

“Retracing the gestures do not mean to repeat. When what matters is learning, there is no repetition: Rather, deepens understanding through subsequent steps. Without this recurrence of the gesture, this ripercorrerlo, you don't learn ....

A guide to the positions for the 40ena

In these weeks of decreased physical activity they see us spend a lot of time sitting, with resulting numbness in the legs and fatigue of the back, especially in the lumbar, during our daily physical practice we often try ...

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