Fotografia in Patrick James Michel


The usual seminar with Walter Thirak Route, this year in a winter version on the dates of
Saturday 3 is Sunday 4 February



not just positions, but also kriyā, in mudra, prāṇāyāma and meditation

Suffering is the greatest tribute,
for example the suffering of righteous conduct. Discomfort is the supreme homage,
for example the discomfort caused by wickedness.

The surprise of awareness – Bodhasâra di Narahari


Tantrism has adopted the specific exercises of Yoga en bloc (asana, prāṇāyāma, etc.) praising a healthy and strong body; yet we must not confuse it Haṭhayoga with simple profane gymnastics. If the foundations of yoga practice are firmly anchored in the physiology of the body, the actual results are obtained through a “mystical physiology”: the body, homologable to the cosmos, it is a tool to "conquer death". From the beginning, the asana is uncomfortable and even unbearable; but after an initial start the effort to keep the body in an identical position becomes minimal. Done, This, of capital importance, as the effort must disappear and the position become natural: only in this case does it facilitate concentration. Even the basic notions of health, of strength, of well-being, they must be understood in their sacred values.
The magnified strength of Haṭhayoga it is not that of an athlete, but the strength of a magician, of a “man-god”.


The seminar will be held on Saturday 3 is Sunday 4 February at the space FULL site in Via Luca della Robbia, 19 in Vicenza (Google maps link) at the following times:

Saturday: Lesson from 9 to 12.30 by 14.30 to 18

Sunday: Lesson from 8 to 11.30 by 13.30 to 16.30


It is possible to follow the theoretical part on Saturday for free from 14.30 to 15.30.
The participation fee for the entire two-day seminar is €120 and includes Sunday brunch. The Saturday meal will be self-managed with the possibility of remaining in the seminar spaces and heating your own food.

For organizational reasons we ask you to confirm participation in the seminar and communicate, with adequate advance, any needs regarding meals (allergies, intolerances etc).

It is necessary to arrive equipped with your own mat and any other supports for exclusive use.


Walter Thirak Ruta
Trained at the Carlo Patrian Institute and at Claudio Conte's SFDY, devoted to the teachings of Sri Sri Sri Satchidananda Yogi, Walter has traveled regularly in India at Sri Vasavi Yogashram in Madras and at Sri Yoga Ashram in Vizag. He is a yoga teacher in San Giovanni dei Prati and at the Pramiti school in Ventimiglia; in seminaries in Italy, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Morocco, Germany. It trains yoga teachers in adherence to the teachings of the Silent Yogi of Madras and collaborates regularly with various European training schools. Man of faith, travelling to the gates and meeting locations in India and in the West. He received from the Silent Yogi of Madras the formulas and the consent to transmit the teachings, in practical and written form, indications and cures for the arduous practices of hatha yoga, the signs and the interior topography to trace the path. Tireless student of the knowledge of all mankind, studies homeopathy and mythology. Use respectful words and manners to respect the pupils or infusions of śakti to motivate them. He is the author of several manuals and articles on yoga.


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Contact only by email indicating if there are specific needs for the brunch of Sunday.

Aśvattha Yoga Association
Manuela 349 6053395
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