Fotografia in Patrick James Michel

📷 Patrick James Michel


Aśvattha and Ganapati organize yoga seminar conducted by Walter Thirak Ruta.



Spectacular, but nevertheless demanding, positions with inverted attitude,
seal the bio-energetic circuit.
For their centripetal action the whole psychophysical system and vital currents of those who practice
They are among the great mudrās body.
They teach that you do not go in a hurry.


Live Long is a remarkable tribute,
because yogis live a long life.
To live for a short time is an extraordinary tribute,
so we are freed without much linger.

Bodhasara di Narahari


The seminar will be held Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December 2019 at the space FULL site in Via Luca della Robbia, 19 in Vicenza (Google maps link) at the following times:


Saturday: Lesson from 9 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 17.30; Meditation from 17.30 to 18;
Sunday: Lesson from 8 to 11,30 and from 13.30 to 16.30.


For those who can not participate in days, you can free to follow the theoretical part of Saturday from 14.30 to 15.30 which will be devoted the reading and interpretation of the allusive language of vīparitakarī-mudrās as described in the hatha yoga texts: Gheraṇḍa-Samhita, Hathayoga-Pradipika and Gorakṣa-Satake.

The fee to the entire two-day seminar is € 120, it is also possible to participate in only one of the two days for the amount of € 70. The fee includes the Saturday meal prepared by Al Barco Cooperative Together and the Sunday brunch. Both meals will be vegetarian / vegan.

For organizational reasons we ask you to confirm your participation in classes and communicate with adequate advance of any needs than meals (allergies, intolerances etc).


Respecting the rules is a state of mind that combines well all'aderire to a discipline.
For inverted positions it is indicated by the text and by the masters to gradually increase the residence times in the inverted postures.
It should be a daily practice vīparitakarī-Mudra to create a synergy between practice and the subsequent. It can not be considered progressive a practice carried out once every seven days or even more spaced.
The results of a well-made engagement allow access to a key principle of yoga practice: fire which in Sanskrit means to extend, stretch and stretch. In utthita position trikoṇāsana It translates as iron firmly in the position of the triangle (out=alto; fire= iron; tri= three; kona= angle). In Pranayama the concept of fire it interprets gradually lengthening the duration dellediverse phases of breath – inspiration, exhalation and retention.

Patañjali, authoritative yoga exhibitor, It uses this axiom in the sutra III, 2 “tatra Pratyayaikatāntā Dhyānam”: meditation is the fact that the mind becomes able to insist (Suffix - firm conviction, project) on one point (eka – one), and from that point onwards the mind – Tanatos - relaxing with continuous and uninterrupted flow.
At the spatial constraint that takes place with inverted poses Srwngāsn or sirshāsana, the gesture reversed vīparitakarī- Mudra adds the time constraint.


Walter Thirak Ruta

Walter Thirak Ruta was formed in Italy at the Institute of Sri Yoga Carlo Patrian and S.F.I.D.Y. Claudio Conte. Continue to deepen the knowledge of yoga and the art of teaching in Italy through the study with Paul Magnone, Stefano Piano, Marilia Albanian, Giuliano Mugs; Abroad with a comparison between the texts of hatha yoga with Pandit Lav Kumar Sharma and Tara Michael.
Devoted to the teachings of Sri Sri Sri Satchidananda Yogi, the Silent Yogi of Madras, enhances the transmission received by the practical application and research. He travels regularly to India to Sri Vasavi Yogasram of Madras and Sri Yoga Asram Vizag.
He attended the community of the righteous - sadhu - both kumbha apple in small kutir on Indian soil.
He regularly teaches at Yoga School Pramiti Ventimiglia and seminaries in Italy, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Morocco and Congo.
Yoga teachers Form in adherence to the "silent Yogi teachings of Madras" with a classical training and an experimental training.
Organize a long residential workshop, experimenting with the students some of the practices described in the hatha yoga texts. The results of this collective effort by crediting the converge of yoga as healthy discipline and initiation.
Vistara assists the formation of Beatrice Calcagno - Milan; Baba School Djoharikian di Philippe - Montpellier; School Nādanjali di Benjamin Catco – Besancon.
Collabora with F.I.D.H.Y. Paris; la Portuguese Federation Yoga; The European Union Yoga; Vidya Yoga Belgrade in Serbia; The Mediterranean Federation of Yoga.
Partecipa al Peace Festival di Chateux D'Olonne; at Syracuse Yoga Festival; the Milan Yoga Festival.
He is the author of several manuals and yoga items.
He studied constantly and beloved Homeopathy Hahnemannienne Ecole de Frejus with the doctor Didier Grandgeorge.

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Remember to specify any requirements in relation to meals.

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