This week the guidelines for reopening that finally came out, in Veneto, it could have already been Monday 18.
However, we decided to take more time.

So the good news is that Aśvattha will reopen shortly!

In the coming weeks we will organize the space safely, removing objects and restoring colors: returning to the minimalism that we like so much to limit the possible sources of contamination.

But all of this, alone, will not be enough: will need awareness and a sense of shared responsibility, in the use of protective devices but also in the flexibility to adapt to different time slots from the usual ones to allow to contain the number of presences; the staggered arrival and exit to limit intersections and gatherings; the use of their materials such as the limited use of changing rooms; sanitize the bathroom yourself after use.

As you can read in the regional and national guidelines that you find at the links below, In fact, the requirements, already anticipated, are:

entry quota: staggered admissions and maximum admissions of 5/6 people in class: therefore need to “book lessons”, showing flexibility, where necessary, alternating time slots to allow everyone to attend and, where possible, position yourself in the most empty time slots.
– The use of masks and gloves does not seem necessary but only hand sanitation with sanitizer supplied by us and distance of 2 meters.
– Use of socks up to your own mat or more easily sanitizing of the feet too (our hypothesis, to be verified, rightly not indicated for gyms);
Use of personal materials for practice: own mat and more; if you do not have a personal mat you can take one of ours which will become "yours temporarily" and you will take away to use it only you every time;
Use of changing rooms: one person at a time and the ability to leave your belongings in a closed bag (therefore also the mat if you want, obtaining an adequate mat or bag holder that can be closed;
Use of the toilets: every time you use the services you will sanitize with products supplied by us;
Evening lessons in a single compromise range, or, according to the attendance of attendance, on two shifts but anticipating the start of the first and postponing the start of the second to allow adequate ventilation between the two and the staggered exit / entrance.

The activities will be forced to low intensity in order not to have to further reduce the number of those present.

Only shared responsibility will allow us, within a few weeks, to understand if this new phase is truly sustainable or not: to evaluate how we feel and if it does “yet” feel good to attend in a group, albeit small, our center.

We sail on sight, a step at a time, of course: however, we must have some general indications before starting the journey.

Aśvattha will take care of creating the best conditions for a safe reopening, to protect our business e, especially, of all the people who pass through that space.
Aśvattha is made of people, therefore we believe that it is a priority that all * those who already frequented our space and intend to resume, and inform about the guidelines that have been arranged to be fully aware of the difference we will experience when we reopen the doors.
For simplicity, find the links at the bottom.

We hope to be operational since 1 June.


We will keep you informed.

Everyone protects all * it seems to us, Finally, a good slogan.

Manu Albiji


👉 /the-sport-again /guide-lines-per-lattivita-sportiva-of-bed-and-lattivita-motor-in-kind /

👉 Everyone protects everyone: guidelines for exercise and sport

👉 / public /DettaglioOrdinanzaPGR.aspx?id=420370

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