Not all silences are the same. Come, thanks to the awareness of living, It becomes sensitive to light, the different shades of light at different places, at different times of day and seasons, so they capture the myriad shades in our silences, and others, human silence, silences of animals, some trees, minerals silences.

Silence is not silent or to silence, It is an invitation, is being in the company of something tender and enveloping, where everything has already been said. The silence smiles.

Dear silence, help me not to talk about tea, help me to abitarti. Addestrami. Disarmami. You teach me to speak. Here I am, I'm gonna. I do not leave anything at home, no stone unturned. There are. to be. Art of the leave to find.
Art of a-leader who teaches writing to let. The silence sowing. Words collect.

Silence is a living thing.


Chandra Livia Candiani, Silence is a living thing, Einaudi, Torino, 2018, p. 50

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