Silence is not just keeping quiet

Silence is not just keeping quiet but it is your inner peace and it is in everyday things:   in the run of a child, in the flight of birds, in the rain and in the falling snow and she delicately poses like a dancer in her show.  ...

The position remains the unknown

The position remains the unknown that you approach without preconceptions. A little’ like a dark room in which you slowly open a window: the light progressively illuminates the space. The substance always remains in awakening, without the smallest ...

Practice and lighting are one

Practice and lighting are one. And because the practice has its roots in enlightenment, even the beginner's practice has the fullness of enlightenment, because it is in him from the beginning. For this, in giving instructions on how to.

When you are in crisis, close up a bovine!

Continue sharing practices that, in our opinion, they can be useful in this suspended period that sees many and many of us more static than usual. We asked for help from the mythological figure of the makara, then to that of the royal pigeon… and today there ...

Like a pigeon sitting on a branch…

Among the practices that come to our aid in this period of partial immobility, there is that of the royal pigeon, in the simplified variant, with the leg remaining elongated. Eka Pada Rājakapotāsana “It deserves to be included in the daily series..

The best thing to do this morning

The best thing to do this morning to lift the world and my species is to stay on the doorstep in the sun with the cat in her arms to purr. Litter purr for fields the valley the hill, to the peaks of the constellations to the most distant worlds. Purr...

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