In Chinese the word translated as the expression “Meridians” is Lao Jing, which literally means “path to network”: therefore a system of streets that draws a network on the surface of the body. The main meridians in traditional Chinese medicine (MTC) are 12, divided into pairs according to the theory of Yin and Yang 5 elements.

LUNG (metal)

It is connected to the input air and rhythmic activities at eliminating waste; the skin reflects the good operation of this organ, being itself a breath. The power of the lungs also manifests itself in the voice, and determines its expression as "breathless" we. Weak lung energy is reflected in the difficulty of expressing oneself, both the word is more deeply in life. The fear of separation from loved ones or the fear of death can block the center of the chest with dysfunction of the Meridian. The disharmony of this Meridian can manifest with asthma, allergies, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, skin problems and vulnerability to virus attacks, bacteria, negative emotions.


As physical organ function is the Elimination of waste products, so its energy function is to delete from the energy field residues and dross. His challenge are subtle elements and material attachments as memories, the past, the emotions, the reports and material goods, These can cause imbalance, with typical organ dysfunction that is constipation. The tendency to delete so anxious by us useful nutrition, can cause the disturbance opposite of diarrhea and dysentery.


The stomach gives us the ability to assimilate the nutrition, Food and experience, bringing the dynamics of giving and of having. We can have a balanced perception of our inner richness and live it in generosity and openness, or cultivate greed and pride that insulates us from the stream of blessings, bringing us to "regurgitate" food and experience, But even a "brooding" continuously on the same situations. Diseases typical of this imbalance are digestive disorders, gastric acid, nausea, vomiting, excessive hunger, antisocial behaviour.

HEART (fire)

It is the magnetic center of our being, controls the blood and the pulse but also the mind and spirit, with the radiance of his presence allows the coordination of other meridians. Balanced is a source of inner peace and communion with others, the imbalance will transform it into a tyrant picked up by anxiety and chaos. The malfunction is caused by a conflict, separation from a loved one or excessive concern for the family. Concerning anxiety disorders, heart problems, palpitations, Stung to the heart, chest pain, insomnia and feeling cold.


Its function is to separate the pure from the impure "in food, in liquids, in thoughts and beliefs. Physically this discernment is expressed through the separation of nutrients within the small intestine, thin level participates together with the heart to recognition of nourishment from poison. If the small intestine will be overprotective, the heart will not experience the outside world, If balanced will be partaking of daily rhythms and the needs of the heart. Dysfunction occurs when the solar plexus is blocked for fears materials, anxieties, lack of decisions. Disorders related to its imbalance are allergies and intolerances, sore throat, neck, ears, rigidity in chapter, shoulder pain, arm, elbow and forearm.


Its task is to collect and dispose of waste liquids. It is responsible for our reserves, the exchange of water throughout the body, General hydration of tissues, mind and moods. Is related to the autonomic nervous system through the pituitary gland that controls the hormonal system. Also checks the reproductive function and the uterus. His sexual dysfunction can be caused by blockage or strong concern for life (symbol of water). Disorders related to its imbalance are: back pain, sciatica, urination disorders, incontinence, nasal congestion, cervical pain.

RENE (water)

The main function of the kidneys is to purify the blood from toxic waste substances forming urine. Also regulate the bones, the teeth and the adrenal glands. The kidneys give us a strong and vital Constitution needed to make the most of life. Typical cause its dysfunction is one continuous stress, tied to the loss of their home, or of tangible, with the close of the first chakra. Disorders related to its imbalance are: hair loss, brittle teeth, weak bones, Osteoporosis, Kidney infections, calculations, renal colic, Anorexia, lack of energy, insomnia.

MASTER OF THE HEART (additional fire)

Also known as "pericardium Meridian", is the defender of the heart, and works with him closely. Governs the blood and mind, affecting blood circulation and interpersonalr elations. When it works well, We are strong, happy and lively. Its dysfunction is linked to problems in the center of the chest, tensions in connetion, but also in labor lived sentimentally. Blood pressure reports status of this Meridian. The disturbances linked to a continuation of its imbalance are: anxiety, depressions, tachycardias, arrhythmias, arteriosclerosis, Angina pectoris, difficulty breathing.

TRIPLE BURNER (additional fire)

Its function is not tied to a physical organ, is, In fact, Member to control the peripheral circulation (capillary) and lymphatic flow; is related to the skin, mucous membranes and serous receiving nourishment from the capillaries and lymph ducts. It regulates the body's internal environment, metabolic activity and the production of heat: the energy field fit for work of all organs. Dysfunction of this Meridian is caused by a low self-esteem and a closed, defensive attitude. Ailments linked to it are: Capillary and lymphatic circulation problems, tonsillitis, colds, dizziness, swelling, hypersensitivity to humidity and climate change.


Represents the courage to take the appropriate decisions in the present moment, exploring liver strategies and maintaining wide vision. Its physiological function is to store bile and release it when it is necessary for the digestion of food. Its energy function is to maintain a balance of digestive enzymes (saliva, pancreatic juices, bowel) representing the fire for combustion of food. The imbalance of energy comes from excessive concern for detail, lack of energy, derives from shyness, difficulty making decisions. In the first case linked disorders are: hyperacidity, Biliary colic, duodenal ulcer, gallbladder hypertrophy, overproduction of bile and digestive juices; in the second case: insufficient secretion of bile and digestive juices resulting in indigestion, constipation, trend anemic, cholecystitis.

LIVER (wood)

The liver meridian ensures the flow of emotions, of chi and blood; It controls the body's immune response and energy of tendons, ligaments and skeletal muscles. A malfunction can be caused by conflict of material loss, with fear of poverty and hunger. Lack of energy in this Meridian is manifested by loss of strength and boring, ailments linked to it are: dizziness, impotence, constipation, weakness in the joints. The excess energy which manifests as impatience, irritability, anger can cause food poisoning, nausea, vomiting, hemorrhoids, hernia, loss of appetite, pain in the head.

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