Cycle of meetings Yoga for Women with Laura Voltolina

Asvattha opens the path dedicated to women "The Durga Yoga" with a series of meetings dedicated to the moon led by Laura Voltolina.

La Luna nel Pozzo - Yoga for Women It is an original and innovative project designed by his friend Laura Voltolina and dedicated to women, Every women, Yoga practitioners or teachers but also neophytes, of any age, to facilitate a new awareness of the Female Body.

"The feminine nature is cyclic: the menstrual cycle ties the woman to the circularity of the moon phases and combines the mystery of life; although you try constantly to make it appear as something to hide, deny and contain, It is a special bond between the woman, life and the moon. Here is the series of meetings appropriate to enhance our health, exploring the peculiar energy systems of the female body, to embody our Female in its entirety. "

Program of the meetings:

  1. Sunday 22 October: Crescent moon – Preovulazione: During this meeting we will explore our movement in the world, our being dynamic, confidence in ourselves.
  2. Sunday 26 November: Full moon – Ovulation: a wave of creativity, a cozy creativity, Which brings us to move into the world in a particular way.
  3. Sunday 21 January: Falling moon – Premenstrual: the powerful energy of this step is a journey through intuition and attention, power and control.
  4. Domenica18 February: New Moon – Menses: a valuable part, underestimated, Forgot; we will discover the other side of the Moon, and they will discover the gifts, the internal energy, the connection with the earth.

It is of course recommended to participate in the entire path but it is also possible to arrange the frequency even at some of the meetings.
It will be issued a certificate of attendance for those who complete the cycle of meetings.

For more information on the route visit the dedicated website
For information and registration please write the page Contacts

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